27 December 2011

Walking in a Dim Sum Wonderland

In my family, Christmas wouldn’t be Christmas without a little something Asian and this year, the “something Asian” was DIM SUM! For those of you who are unfamiliar, dim sum is a unique Asian treat consisting of carts filled with delicious goodness that are pushed from table to table and where each person may select any number of dishes to their hearts’ content. It’s the Asian version of tapas! Small dishes, usually cooked in mini steamers, are available at the point of a finger and usually, just like at a tapas restaurant, we usually order WAY TOO MUCH! Usual fare include: shumai (steamed dumplings), pork buns, noodles, salt and pepper calamari, and so much more…

One of my favorite places to get dim sum is a small little restaurant here in Las Vegas called Changs. The restaurant is quite petite and the parking is horrid but the food is divine and definitely worth what little trouble you may encounter in the parking lot. Just a note on dim sum, it’s usually only offered during the earlier part of the day (starting around 11am) and stops just after lunch (2pm-ish), so if you are going to have it, you have to be prepared to be there early, but it really is an experience you should have at least once in your life!

Changs is located on Decatur, just after Tropicana.

4670 S Decatur Blvd
Las Vegas, NV 89103
(702) 362-3663

1 comment:

  1. Oooh I love Chang's and now I am craving Dim Sum! We must go!
