30 June 2011

The Plus One Minus Ones

Welcome friends! This blog is dedicated to you. It’s for all of those people out there who are single or as I like to call it - the Plus One, Minus Ones. For all of those people, who, for some reason or another find themselves currently without a plus one – don’t believe the hoopla -- Your life is WORTHWHILE! I know that society places a high premium on “Coupledom,” and sometimes, the pressures of being part of a duo can be overwhelming. I’m here to share my adventures in Singledom with you and I hope you share some with me… and maybe, just maybe, we’ll learn a few things about ourselves along the way.

Here’s a few deets on me… I am hot. No wait, I probably shouldn’t start with that. It might intimidate some people. Nope, I’m claiming it… I am hot. I am cotton candy on a fine festival afternoon! But let’s face it, we all think of ourselves that way, right? Right? I don’t see all of you nodding… Well, we should! Ok, get up… go on! Find a mirror. Now - let’s all look at ourselves in that mirror and exclaim – “Look at you, you hot piece of ass!!” There, doesn’t that get your mojo going? I know it does for me and I hope it does for you. (Some of you are looking at me like I’m Britney with a shaved head, but just wait. You’ll be on board soon enough…)

So here’s the plan – This is an open conversation between smart, funny, creative, loving, sometimes crazy, wonderfully fantastic people! I encourage you to post and comment here. Bust those doors wide open and let the dialogue flow - I’ll be listening!

1 comment:

  1. You are hilarious Sally! :) I am so glad you sent me the link! I'm looking forward to following your blog! :)
