MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) is a full contact sport which uses a myriad of techniques from different disciplines (judo, muay thai, boxing, etc.) in order to knock out or pin an opponent into submission. It is a sport that has developed from the early days of Greece into the commercial success it finds itself in today.
How do I know this, you ask? Well…
A friend of mine is an MMA Fighter and he kicks ass. Literally. He is quite honestly one of the hardest working people that I know and when I grow up I want to learn how to live with the same kind of determination and certainty of purpose. And when he fights, my friends and I are there to support him.
It’s not easy though, watching a friend get into the ring knowing the intense physical challenge that they have willingly chosen to put themselves into. But here we are, nonetheless. That’s the beauty of friendship. Friends, true and honest to goodness friends, will stand beside you and support you through every trial that you face. They congratulate you when you succeed and they’ll buy you a shot to take the edge off when you fail. I consider myself very lucky to have the friends that I have in my life. We’re all very special and quite different from each other but I think that it’s that difference that bonds us together. We are teachers to each other and in that is a most wonderful gift – the gift of growth and acceptance and true fellowship.
So, here’s to friendship and the adventures we share.
(PS. Check out the gym my friend trains at. It's awesome.
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